Tomb of Hafez

Hafez or Hafiz is one of the most famous Gnostics and poets of Iran, who was born in Shiraz in 726 AH and passed away 65 years later. The tomb of Hafiz also known as Hafizieh is located north of Shiraz and comprises of two gardens. undefined Many people still come to pay homage to this master of poetry. undefined The mausoleum itself is located in a lovely garden, and has an atmosphere of peace and calm that is quite unique. Several rectangular pools have been added amongst the gardens, and well-maintained orange trees, paths, streams, and flower beds create a pleasant environment for the tourism hub of Hafez’s tomb and memorial hall. A tea house on the grounds provides refreshments in a traditional setting. undefined The dome over Hafez’s grave is well lit at night, providing an attractive focal point. The former tomb of Qaasem Khan Waali is now a library containing 10,000 volumes dedicated to Hafez scholarship. The Tomb of Hafez and its associated memorial hall, the Haafezieh, are two memorial structures erected in Shiraz, in memory of the celebrated Persian poet Hafez. The Tomb of Hafez and its associated memorial hall, the Haafezieh, are two memorial structures erected in Shiraz, in memory of the celebrated Persian poet Hafez. About Hafez: Hafez was born in Shiraz in 1315 and died there in 1390. A beloved figure of the Iranian people, who learn his verses by heart, Hafez was prominent in his home town and held a position as the court poet. In his memory, a small, dome-like structure was erected in Shiraz near his grave at Golgast-e Mosalla in 1452 at the order of Babur Ibn-Baysunkur, a Timurid governor. copyright The Golgast-e Mosalla were gardens (now known as Musalla Gardens) that featured in Hafiz’s poetry. With a surface of over 19,000 square metres, the gardens were also home to one of Shiraz’s cemeteries, and Babur had a pool built here at the same time as the memorial. Believing they were ordered by omens in Hafez’s poetry, Abbas I of Persia and Nader Shah both carried out separate restoration projects in the following 300 years. A much more substantial memorial was constructed in the gardens in 1773 during the reign of Karim Khan Zand. Situated on the north bank of the seasonal Rudkhaneye Khoshk river in the Musalla Gardens, the Hāfezieh consisted of four central columns, with two rooms built at the east and west end and with the north and south sides remaining open. The building split the gardens into two regions, with the orange grove in the front and the cemetery in the back. The actual tomb was outside of the structure, in the middle of the cemetery, with a marble slab placed over the grave. undefined The marble was engraved by a calligrapher with excerpts from Hafez’s poetry. undefined The Tomb of Hafez and its associated memorial hall, the Haafezieh, are two memorial structures erected in Shiraz, in memory of the celebrated Persian poet Hafez. Hafez was born in Shiraz in 1315 and died there in 1390. A beloved figure of the Iranian people, who learn his verses by heart, Hafez was prominent in his home town and held a position as the court poet. The tomb was restored in 1857 by a governor of Fars, and a wooden enclosure was built around the tomb in 1878, by another governor of Fars. Following this, the site became a subject of controversy, when, in 1899, Ardeshir, a Parsi from India began to build a shrine around Hafez’s grave. Although the philanthropist Parsi had obtained permission from a ulema of Shiraz to build the iron and wood shrine, a doctor of religious law with some authority in Shiraz, ʿAli-Akbar Fāl-Asiri, objected to a Zoroastrian building over the grave of a Muslim. With his followers, he destroyed the half-built construction. The people of Shiraz protested the destruction and the government ordered the rebuilding of the monument, but Fāl-Asiri opposed them and pronounced that he would destroy any building raised there, even if it were erected by the king himself. The site remained in ruins for two years, until 1901 when Prince Malek Mansur Mirza Shao es-Saltaneh placed a decorative iron transenna around Hafez’s tomb. It was inscribed with verse and the names of the patrons of the transenna. undefined ./

About Hafez

There is no way for a Persian to hear Shiraz’s name and doesn’t immediately think about Hafiz. To Persians, he is nothing less than a prophet. The prophet of love, art, and beauty inside. Hafiz is an inseparable item of any Persian celebration and ceremony such as Nowrouz and Yalda Night. He is one of the poetry geniuses from all times, whom Goethe, the great German poet, wished to be one of his disciples. The chances of not finding a Hafiz book in any Persian house are zero. Hafiz Shirazi is beloved among Iranians, and anyone, from children to the elderly enjoys reading his smart, beautiful, and involved poems. Every year, on 22nd October, people show their respect to him on national Hafez day by his tomb, Hafezieh.

The History of Hafezieh

In 1452, 65 years after Hafez’s death, a small, dome-like structure with a large pool in front of it was built near his grave at Golgasht-e Mosalla by the order of Babur Ibn-Baysunkur, a Timurid governor of Shiraz. At that time, this place was one of Shiraz cemeteries and Goldasht-e Mosalla Garden is mentioned several times in Hafiz poems. The original land that the tomb of Hafez is in it was more than two hectares wide.

After that, in the Safavid and Afsharian eras, this tomb was renovated two times; once on the order of King Shah Abbas, and years later, on the order of Nadershah Afshar. Karim Khan Zand, the righteous governor of Shiraz, built a new metal shrine with this hafiz Ghazal (or sonnet) engraved on it in calligraphy:

In the hope of union, my very life, I’ll give up

As a bird of Paradise, this worldly trap I will hop.

After several renovations, destructions, and constructions during history, finally, the current pavilion structure was built in 1935. It is designed by the well-known French architect and archaeologist, André Godard, using Zandieh architecture elements.

Architecture of Hafezieh

The Tomb of Hafez of as Iranians call it Hafezieh, is located on the south of Quran Gate, and it is a complex of monuments. This area is one of the most crowded parts of Shiraz. The tomb is hidden from the main street: a symbol of prison for Hafiz’s mystical thoughts in the modern world. Another symbols that you can find in this complex are: the southern part of Hafezieh is the symbol of the material world, you have to pass this part and approach toward skies (nine stairs to the tomb as it indicates the number of skies in Persian literature), and finally see the sun (the tomb itself). The northern part of the complex is regarded as the world of the hereafter, and there is eight entrance to the grave (eight is the number of paradise’s door in Islam). The outer part of the dome is a symbol of the sky and a Darwish’s Turkish hat. But the inner portion is designed with beautiful tiles in turquoise blue (symbol of paradise), purple-red (symbol of eternal wine), black and white (symbol of night and day), and dark brown (symbol of soil).

There is a large pool beside the tomb where you can make a wish and throw a coin in it, be careful what you wish for because the chances of coming true are high!
